Health Building Note Consultation with Architects for Health

Health Building Note Consultation with Architects for Health

Posted by Jaime Bishop

Jaime Bishop, chair of Architects for Health and director at Fleet Architects, alongside Agata Dixon Smith from Fleet Architects, played a crucial role in the Architects for Health Future Standards Working Group (FSWG). Their involvement focused on reviewing and providing feedback to the NHS England team on the technical drafting of the new Health Building Notes (HBN) 10-01 Facilities for Surgery and HBN 06-01 Diagnostic Imaging. This collaboration was instrumental in ensuring that the updated standards reflect the latest advancements in healthcare design, promoting environments that enhance both patient care and staff efficiency.

The review process conducted by the FSWG, with contributions from Bishop and Dixon Smith, aimed to incorporate practical insights and expert recommendations into the HBNs. Their expertise in healthcare architecture and their commitment to improving healthcare facilities were pivotal in refining the technical details of these documents. This process included detailed assessments of surgical facilities and diagnostic imaging environments, ensuring that the designs meet the highest standards of safety, functionality, and patient-centered care.

By actively participating in the FSWG, Jaime Bishop and Agata Dixon Smith demonstrated a strong commitment to shaping the future of healthcare infrastructure in the UK. Their work with NHS England exemplifies the collaborative efforts needed to develop robust, forward-thinking healthcare standards. The feedback provided by the Architects for Health, enriched by Bishop and Dixon Smith’s extensive experience, has been critical in guiding the technical drafting of HBN 10-01 and HBN 06-01, ensuring these documents support the creation of high-quality healthcare facilities across the country.

Fleet Architects