Lilliput Learners Playgroup & Pre-School
Client: Lilliput Learners Playgroup & Pre-School
Location: Clewer Green, Windsor
Area: 250sqm
Value: £300,000
Procurement: Traditional
In preparing our initial ideas for the Pippins Nursery development we processed a large quantity of statutory guidance to seed ideas and create possibilities, not restrict them. This approach, which at first may seem conservative, has been successfully applied in buildings such as the Stanley Child Primary Care Centre and Walsall Manor Hospital to delightful effect. The initial proposal for the Pippins Nursery referred to 79 individual guidance notes which were processed to generate ideas.
The Nursery will provide pre-school education for children age 18 months to 4 years and will be based around two main spaces which lead to a secondary tier of smaller, more varied spaces. A kitchen hub space with viewing platforms for the children is centrally positioned in the design with a transition space including wet play forming a threshold to the outdoor play area. We propose the re-orientation of the building to provide a south facing play area and activity spaces. The building will become fully accessible to children and staff with impaired mobility and the hierarchy of secure spaces will ensure safety for the building users.